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find your following.

A one-stop Washington D.C. social media agency that focuses on a select portfolio of local lifestyle, food, beverage, fashion businesses.

Amplify your voice. Tell your story.


SCDC The Agency is a social media marketing firm that specializes in finding creative ways to help small businesses and startups thrive. We are here to brand your business through social media and influencer marketing. Our mission is to help small businesses grow, with our main focus being the BIPOC community and those wanting to diversify their social media presence. We strive to make each small business blossom by boosting your online presence and following, as well as utilizing tech-savvy social media tools to help you stay engaged with your targeted audience and fan base.

We work with local freelancers in the local BIPOC community to give you the best plan for your small business. At the same time, you are granting us the opportunity to employ local and incredible photographers, videographers, content creators, and graphic designers, in order to build a powerful social media team that’s uniquely tailored to you and your needs. 


Social Media Management

  • Social Media Management 

  • Instagram Branding

  • Content Creation, customized for Instagram/Tik Tok/Facebook

  • Influencer Campaigns

  • Event Planning and Production 

  • Social Media Staff Training 

  • Influencer Consulting

  • Is there a service you are searching for you don't see above? Don't hesitate to ask.  

Past and Present Clients


El Tamarindo

Death Punch Bar

Dolci Gelati

GlowRX Skin

Tokyo Pearl

Casa Kantuta

Alliance of Compass

Sette Osteria

Committed to Community

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Real representation

SCDC is committed to supporting and sharing BIPOC voices. We invite everyone to join the discussion online.

What we’re working on

Follow us on IG for social media tips, hacks and tutorials β€” and for a behind-the-curtain peek at what Carla’s been up to.